PowerShell For Pentesters

PowerShell For Pentesters

- 3 mins


This blog covers the principle uses of PowerShell in Penetration Tests. Interacting with files, scanning the network and system enumeration…

Basic PowerShell Commands

Get the current working directory


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Checking the existence of a path

Test-Path 'C:\Users\Document\Desktop\fake_flag.txt'
Test-Path 'C:\Users\Document\Desktop\flag.txt'

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Get the location of a file

Get-ChildItem -r -Include *flag.txt*

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Get the content of a file

Get-Content 'C:\Users\Document\Desktop\flag.txt'

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Know the owner of a file

Get-Acl 'C:\Users\Document\Desktop\flag.txt'

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Get the MD5 hash of a file

Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5 'C:\Users\Document\Desktop\flag.txt'

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Search for files containing PASSWORD

Get-ChildItem -r | Select-String "PASSWORD"

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Get Clipboard


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Base64 decoding a file

$file = "msg.txt"; [System.Convert]::FromBase64String((Get-Content $file)) | Set-Content output.txt -Encoding Byte

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certutil -decode msg.txt out.txt

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Secure String to Plaintext

$pw = "<Password>" | convertto-securestring
$cred = new-object system.management.automation.pscredential("H3lli0t", $pw)
$cred.getnetworkcredential() | fl *


List users on the machine


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List groups on the machine

Get-LocalGroup | measure

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Get IP address info


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List listening connections

Get-NetTCPConnection -State Listen

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List running processes

Get-Process | where {$_.ProcessName -like "chrome"} | ft ProcessName, Id

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Get running services

Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"}

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Get scheduled tasks

Get-ScheduledTask | findstr /i lenovo

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List applied patches


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Multiple-Value Parameters

 Get-Service -ComputerName (gc .\computer.txt)

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Using Get-Command

gcm -noun *event*
gcm -verb *new*

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List available modules

Get-Module -ListAvailable

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PowerShell proves to be an indispensable tool for penetration testers, offering a powerful platform to assess and enhance the security of systems. Its scripting capabilities, coupled with a wide range of built-in functions, enable testers to automate tasks and exploit vulnerabilities. That’s what makes Powershell a key component in a pentester’s toolkit.

That was the end of the blog, thanks for reading, I hope you learnt something new.

Happy Hacking!

Hicham Ouardi

Hicham Ouardi

Cybersecurity Engineer | Offensive Security Intern