CMD For Pentesters

CMD For Pentesters

- 2 mins


This blog covers the principle commands in windows used in different stages of a penetration test like system enumeration, domain recon, post exploitation…

Basic Windows Commands

List all users

net users

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Get user info

net user %username%

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Get the current user & privilege info

whoami /all
whoami /priv

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Create user

net user /add [username] [password]

List all groups

net localgroup

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Add user to a group

net localgroup [groupname] [username] /add

List password requirements info

net accounts

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List content of a directory

dir /b /ad "C:\\Users"

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List stored credentials

cmdkey /list

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List all environment variables


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View current network shares

net share

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View info about interfaces

ipconfig /all

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arp -a

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List open ports

netstat -ano | findstr /i listening

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Get file permissions

icacls flag.txt

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List startup programs

 wmic startup list brief

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List running services

sc query type=service

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Every penetration tester should be fluent with the Windows command prompt since various commands could be used in different stages of a penetration test like domain recon and post exploitation. That’s why being fluent in CMD is a must for pentesters.

That was the end of the blog, thanks for reading, I hope you learnt something new.

Happy Hacking!

Hicham Ouardi

Hicham Ouardi

Cybersecurity Engineer | Offensive Security Intern